Lift Your Voice
Join Smith River Singers

Join Our Choir

As a non-auditioned choir comprised of volunteers, Smith River Singers is open to singers of all ages and abilities. The only musical requirement is the ability to match pitch.

Smith River Singers rehearse weekly from late August to early December and late January to early May, preparing two sets of music each year. Fall rehearsals focus primarily on music for the winter holiday season, and spring rehearsals include music with a much wider range of themes. Guest instrumentalists and soloists are regularly invited to collaborate with the choir for concerts.

Singers are expected to regularly attend rehearsals, work on music outside of rehearsal, and attend performances in the requested attire. In addition, dues are request to help cover the purchase of music and other expenses. However, we are committed to reducing barriers to music so if you are not able to afford dues but would still like to sing, please let us know!

If you are looking for even more musical experience, Smith River Singers offers an auditioned small group, Still Water, that performs each season during main concerts and in several community events throughout the year. Still Water auditions are open to existing SRS members.

If you are interested in joining SRS, we would love to have you! Please fill out the form below to register your interest and someone will reach out to you with next steps.

Your submission has already been sent and received by Smith River Singers. We will follow up as soon as we can to provide more information.